Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Trying out Flickr

I'm considering opening a Flickr account. Up to a certain amount of space is free so I'm trying it out right now and then I may pay the yearly fee. Some of these photos have been posted here before.

Weird Dream

This morning before I woke up I was having a dream. It seemed like a really good dream but in reality I don't think it would be possible.

Before I tell the dream, just so you know, Tony and I are not having marital problems. I have weird dreams all the time.

I dreamed we split up. Everyone offerred us FREE babysitting so we would have time to rekindle our marriage. In our dream we kept this up for the sake of getting free babysitting.

Babysitting isn't cheap anymore not when there are four kids. This is why we don't go out much. Teenagers, the ones that you don't have to pay as much, aren't able to handle three two-year olds. They are more than adults that have raised children can handle so definitely not teenagers. Nannies and Au Pairs are just out of our budget. When it cost more to pay for babysitting than going out to eat and a movie, I have a problem with that.

So I've been thinking about this dream all morning. It's just not even possible for us to split up. First, if Tony left, that means I'd be stuck 24 hours a day with the kids all by myself. If I left, we'd have to hire babysitters or pay for daycare and since I'm not working, that just isn't possible either and if I left with the kids, who's going to take us in with three toddlers? Four in daycare? No way! I love my husband so I'm not leaving anyway and he can't live without me (just ask him).

A friend of mine and I agreed to switch off babysitting services. She has children the same age as mine minus one toddler (6 year old and twins that are 2). One night about 9pm I went to her house and stayed until about 2am. This works out great for us b/c the one parent that goes to the other house doesn't have to watch kids b/c they are in bed. The downside is we stay out late and still have to get up with kids in the morning so sleep is tossed out. Seven kids is a lot for one house to watch too especially if 5 are in diapers. Tony and I haven't made it out yet for several reasons - our kids not sleeping at night, I was too tired another (that's about every night after a day with four kids), sick kids on both sides, one husband working late.

I did send Tony an email this morning and told him to take off a half day of the first day of preschool. After Logan goes to school and we drop the toddlers off at 9am, the two of us can have three hours for just the two of us during daytime hours. (Preschool is from 9-12.) Yeah!!!!! I'm starting my countdown to September 3rd.

Monday, July 28, 2008

We now have a Ballerina

or at least we'll have one in a few weeks. Madelyn was offered a scholarship for pre-ballet for two year olds. The Sunday newspaper had several dance studios listed. Tony and I had talked about getting her into dance one day so I started emailing and browsing their websites for information. The owner of one of the studios contacted me back about her studio late last night and we exchanged emails. She wanted me to come and register, check it out and they would refund if we weren't happy. I told her I was mostly looking at prices and times right now b/c I was going to apply for a scholarship through the Mothers of Multiples club I'm in for her. The scholarship can be for me or any of my kids so I thought about applying for one for her for dance lessons. When I explained to the owner Madelyn's poor muscle tone and how I thought this would help improve her coordination, balance and strength overall, she offered us a scholarship. We get this next semester free and only have to pay for her bodysuit, shoes and recital fee. The owner told me she adopted 9 children of her own and she always wanted to adopt from China. She said this set in her heart when I emailed Madelyn's story to her and so she wanted Madelyn to come dance at her studio. I'm so excited!!! I can't wait to see our ballerina dancing on stage.

Trust me.....there will be LOTS of pictures!!!!!

We Finally Have a Pool

Our neighborhood pool finally opened this weekend. It was suppose to have been built and ready the first summer we lived here. Last year they did get a hole dug out for it but nothing else was done. Now most of the summer is gone but at least we get a little time to enjoy it. It opened Friday but we didn't go until Saturday. We had company over and they went with us to help with the kids. Yesterday I made three trips to the pool. One time I walked down with just Logan during the three tots nap time. We came back and had a snack and then I took the twins to the pool by myself. That wasn't too bad. They did really well. Nate decided when it was time to go and headed for the gate while Andrew and I were still in the water. We jumped out to catch him. After dinner I took Madelyn and Logan back and we stayed for at least two hours. She did great. She has not been enjoying the water this summer but last night she did. Several adults talked to her, and she enjoyed the attention. She might have been the first to poop in the water. Luckily she had swim diaper on. I'm not going to try to take all four by myself. That's two much with three of them that need lots of attention. Two wasn't too bad but adding a third makes a big difference when they are all two years old. Maybe next summer we can enjoy the pool more. I love having a pool just a few houses away, easy access, and I don't have to maintain or clean it.
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Thursday, July 24, 2008

Memory Album has been started

I finally started working on book for Madelyn to document her history before we came to China and her country and our trip there. It's currently at about 45 pages. I started putting it together last week and have now become obsessed with working on it. However; I'm getting really frustrated with it. I could call it quits now and be done BUT I want it perfect. I want it to be something she would be proud of.

I started scrapping a book for her a while back after I spent a lot of money on printing all of our pictures from China. I never finished. I think I got four pages done and that's it. It's been sitting on a shelf since. Scrapbooking takes lots of time, lots of space, and I don't have either. I need more room and a place I don't have to put all the supplies up and out of toddler reach at all times. Working on an online album was the next best thing.

There's lots of info on digital scrapbooking. There's lots of cool stuff out there with China Lifebooks. Unfortunately all of this also cost more money. I've decided to keep doing what I'm doing and not use all the niftly, crafty little digital scrapbooking do-dad's but instead make my own album.

I'm trying to document as much as possible which means I'm having to pull out items I kept from our trip, papers, all of my notebooks from paperwork and doing some searching in the yahoo groups and databases and lots of asking questions and searching google. I've assigned Tony a few pages too. He's giving me the words and I create the page.

This is more work than I planned but at the same time it's less mess than if I was pulling out scrapbooking paper, stickers, punches, beads and buttons, glue sticks and dots, etc. I scrapped many of Logan's baby pictures but that quit when he was about two and we were trying for another baby. I think I may just give up scrapbooking for now unless it's all digital/online albums.

While I was in the wait for referral, I was on a scrapbooking mailing list so I have lots of stuff. I've thought about saving all the stickers for Madelyn and making two copies of the book I'm working on now. As a young child, I can give her one of the books and she can decorate the pages with all these stickers I have to give it her own special touch. I'll still have the other copy for later.

Since some of this book is personal, I will not be sharing it on the blog. It's not too detailed that Madelyn would be embarrassed to show her friends but it's also not a book I'll share with the public. I also asked members of our travel group for photos of their daughters and I do not want to post pictures of others without their permission. I try not to post photos to this blog of anyone else but my own family but the book does have some photos of other people in it.

I don't know when I'm going to finish it but I'm determined to make it right. It may not be perfect as far as a Lifebook guideline goes but it's what I want Madelyn to have and know about her story as a baby and becoming our daughter. This will help her understand her adoption hopefully and later one when she has more advanced questions, we'll answer those personally to her only and leave it to her whether or not she wants to share.

When I get my book in order, I'll post an outline in case anyone is interested on how I went about making this book. Right now I'm switching pages all around but I do wish I had thought this through first and made my own outline like I learned back in my school days and went from there.

Playing in the Back Yard

Ever wonder why there's not many photos of Logan? It's b/c he acts like a big goober in front of the camera and smiles like a dork.
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2 x 4 = 8

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Monday, July 21, 2008

Morning Shots

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Love My Virtual Triplets

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Love My Twins

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Saturday, July 19, 2008

Two Very Different Types of Smiles

Faked a smile for me b/c I made her stop playing in the sand

Saying "Cheese" before I had the camera to my eye
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Operation Crib to Toddler Bed

This is not going so well. Nate and Andrew need to come out of the cribs now, but it's just not happening. One of the cribs has been rattled so much we had to duct tape over some screws. The boys had jumped so much the screw wouldn't stay screwed in. They both can climb over but haven't dropped to the ground yet. I've caught them in the act though. So tonight knowing they had a tiring evening at a friend's neighborhood pool, I thought this might be the night to start but we went ahead and put them in cribs anyway.

Andrew fell asleep very fast. He usually does. He's like his daddy and just knods off quickly. Nate instead screamed for the longest time tonight. I decided to give Logan another Big Brother duty. We pulled out his sleeping bag and put it on one of the toddler beds. Nate had the opportunity to sleep in his toddler bed with Bo-bo beside him. Logan thought this was cool. He even asked if he could do this with Andrew sometime. Tony and I snuck out to go watch a movie. About 30 minutes into the movie we had to pause it b/c Nate was banging on the bedroom door. I went back up and discovered Nate had pooped. Nate asked me for Waffles. He thought it was already morning. I changed him, put him back in bed, talked to Logan and Nate and tucked them back in and left. We go back to watching the movie again.

About another 15-20 minutes goes by and Nate is back at the door running his train across it. I told Tony to give me 30 minutes and I would lay down with him and see if he would knod off. Logan had fell asleep this time. Nate was the only one awake. I tried hugging him, putting my arm around him to lock him down on the bed, tried the play asleep trick, but nothing worked. Nate kept talking and talking and Andrew rises up. Now I have two toddlers awake and a six-year old asleep.

Now Andrew has pooped. I turn on the hall light so I can see to change him in their room. Nate starts talking to Andrew very loud and I'm trying to shush him. Doesn't work. Andrew is quiet the entire time. I get him all changed, kiss him, put him back in the crib and tell him to go back to sleep. I decide then not to let Nate stay in the bed. It's now way too late. Nate fights me to go back to the crib but I did get him to go back by giving him the Lego comforter off Logan's bed.

Now Tony is asleep so the rest of the movie has to be postponed. Our days of watching a movie without interruptions is long gone.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

As I am bleaching my oven drawer....

I was reminded WHY the public school system doesn't allow parents to bring in cupcakes and other homemade edibles. That nasty, field mouse was in my drawer with all my pans including my cupcake pans. Eeewwww! In the past 24 hours we've had traps set out but nothing else caught so I'm thinking he was a loner or we scared off the others. I'll never complain again about buying cupcakes from a bakery for the kids at school. Then again I can only hope that those kitchens don't have pests either, but their pans are probably used and washed many times a day.

The Good Visitor's

Butterflies can visit us, not mice.
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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Unwanted Visitor

I recently read about an unwanted house visitor in one of Madelyn's Xiushan friends on Room for Grace. We had a visitor in our house I hope to never, ever see again...a MOUSE. Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, or any other Disney creation can come here but not a little, nasty gray mouse. I was cooking dinner and had reached to pull out the drawer under my stove. When I moved one pan, there it was sitting in another pan. I squeeled. I mean I really squeeled and jumped and screeched and everything else to make it known something just scared the crap out of me. Tony was out picking up Logan from camp and the other three were watching cartoons. When I screamed, the other three mocked me and they squeeled. This little creature was staring at me. I swear it had huge, white eyes that popped out of it's head.

We've been married getting close to 11 years now and I have NEVER had a mouse in my house, at least not one that I knew of. My last house even had a basement, more rural area than I am now, and I still have never had rodents in the house. I guess it doesn't help to back up to a pasture here.

I called Tony from my cell. It was in my pocket and I grabbed all the kids and ran to my bedroom. They didn't have on shoes so I didn't want them near the kitchen if that thing came running out. Instead they got to jump on "Mommy's bed" and watch Mickey Mouse on the tv. Tony picked up some mouse traps on the way home. I kept all the kids in our bedroom while he was setting up traps in the kitchen. I had also left on the burners on the stove so I had to sneak back in the kitchen also to turn all of that off. A mouse wasn't going to cause me to burn down my house. I grabbed a chair and pushed it towards the stove and stood on it. That mouse was not running across my feet.

Tony pulled out the pans and the mouse was still in there. The mouse eventually ran from the stove to the refridgerator. I even heard Tony do a little yell and then he yelled at me "Are you sure someone with a heart condition should be doing this?" Oh well, he's the daddy. He gets the nasty job of taking out the rodents.

We eventually sit all the kids at the table to eat. Yes, we're eating while there's a mouse under my fridge ready to run out across the floor. Madelyn got choked up on some chips and Tony got up to go help her and he heard the glue trap start flapping. Good thing Madelyn was fine b/c I think she got overlooked when the flapping of the trap started. It was in there by the tail end and the mouse was carrying the trap with it. We continued to eat listening to that mouse flap around. Needless to say dinner wasn't all that great or enjoyable. The three youngest though had no idea what was going on.

We still have a few traps waiting to see if any friends have occupanied him. I have a call in with the Pest Control company we have a contract through to get back in touch with me and get back to our house and do something. I'll be wearing shoes throughout the house for a while and to bed b/c I get up several times at night usually.

And yes, I thought about taking pictures of this thing but I was afraid I'd drop my camera trying to catch that mouse running across the floor. I haven't seen one outside of a cage in a long time and I hope it's the last too. I've had a snake in my backyard and now a mouse in my house. What's next? This is my house, creatures - go away!!!

"No, MY Corn"

This was MY corn on the cob. Nate decided he needed a bite, then Andrew and then Madelyn and they finished it all up together.
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Sunday, July 13, 2008

No Nate

Look through the middle window and you'll see Tony, Andrew, Madelyn and Logan but no Nate (nor me b/c I was taking the picture). As much as Nate LOVES trains, I had no idea he would freak out getting onto a train. Tony had bought tickets for all of us (three b/c three were free) and Nate refused to get on the train. It was another repeat of the day we rode the Elephant at the Renaissance Fair. He would not stop screaming. I carried him onto the train but he was determined to get off. I decided courtesy to the others riding I'd take him off before the train left the station. The museum was kind enough to refund my ticket.
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We made a quick trip to the NC Transportation Museum after church today.
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Here's Ya Sign

This sign needs to be posted on our front door.
Noise - 3 two-year olds, need I say more?
Dust - Who has time to dust with 3 two-year olds?
Fumes - Ever smell my house in the mornings when all three poop after waking up?
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I'm now a published photographer

Today our local paper published this photo in their Cabarrus Neighbors section. Unfortunately they put it in color instead of black & white. I had sent both versions b/c I wasn't sure what they required.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

What's wrong with this picture?

I took the wrong road getting to my photography class this morning and came to a stop sign at this house. When I was looking both ways, I noticed this setup to my right. I had to pull out my camera, roll down the window and hurry up and snap it. I didn't take time to focus in but you can get the idea. See the rope connected to the toy ride-in car? They have made this into a swing. It definitely doesn't look safe for a child, but it sure was funny to see.
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Yesterday cont....

Let's see how much I can finish about my day without kids interrupting again...

So, I was home by 4, ate cake, and then got ready to leave by 5. I tried my best to cover my red marks on my face from my eye brow waxing but gave up. One of our friends came over to watch the kids so we could have an evening out. We drove to Uptown Charlotte to eat at LaVecchia's. This is not usually our style of eating but we decided to try something different a little nicer than our usually Outback and Carabba's plus we had a coupon for LaVecchia's from my Citipass book.

LaVecchia's was definitely a classy restaurant but we were probably overdressed. Some tables had white table cloths, and others had nothing. We noticed that we were sat at the table cloth table and those in shorts were at the ones without. I guess you get treated a little nicer if you do dress up. From what I could tell, we were the only ones at a table cloth table. We also were sat down beside the entrace at the light-rail stop, the new transportation for Uptown. If the kids had been with us, they would have been overly excited to have had the view of the train. We ordered the Dinner for Two which was what we had a coupon for. It came with two appetizer's, two entree's, bottle of wine and dessert for two.

When they brought out the wine, the waitress presents it to Tony and then she opens it and hands him the cork. I had no idea why she was handing him the cork - that's how classy of a lady I am. I had to ask later why she gave him the cork and I guess according to ettiquette the man is suppose to smell it to approve of the wine. Wow, I learned something new but what they didn't know is that I'm more of the wine drinker and Tony is more of a beer on tap kinda person. Then they pour a sip in his glass for him to taste while the waitress watches. He starts laughing b/c neither of us were expecting this treatment. I eventually got around to being able to taste it.

It never fails when we go to new restaurants I always tend to pick the meal that has more and Tony gets a little tiny portion. Same happened with our appetizer. He ordered crapcake and and I got the crap dip. My comes out in this huge bowl and he gets a crapcake the size of a 50 cent piece. I shared with him though. It was a great crapcake but I think they could have made it a little bigger or gave more than one for the prices they charge at this restaurant. Later I had NY Strip and he had stuffed jumbo shrimp. I so badly wanted to ask for Heinz 57 but I didn't. I was afraid the restaurant staff would all hear and start laughing. This just wasn't the type of restaurant they keep grocery store steak sauces on tables. We later finished off our meal with chocolate cheesecake for me and blueberry/lemon cheesecake for him.

We had about an hour to kill before our Comedy Show we bought tickets for - Robot Johnson. So, we walked around and discovered some art galleries in Spirit Square which was the building the show was in. Many of the art was just weird to us but some were really cool. One of them really caught my eye. It was a close-up of a little girl with some leaves around her and she was clenching on to a doll. She and this doll wore the same dress - the exact same dress I had bought a month or two ago that had a matching doll dress. I could easily have taken something like that. It had a price tag of $350.00 on it. I have the girl (she's Asian instead of Caucasion), I have the doll (asian doll instead of a bald caucasion doll), I have the dress and I have the camera. I may just try to take that same shot and see what happens.

The comedy show overall was weird. I'm just not used to that kind of entertainment. They did have some skits that did make me laugh like the movie review by "Talking Baby" and a skit about some neighborhoods in Charlotte. It must not be very popular b/c there were maybe 20 -30 people and that's about it. It beat the normal movie night and we got to do something that didn't involve playgrounds so overall it was a good night. We still managed to fit in a trip to Target (yes, two trips in one day) before the night was over.

I had very busy birthday, definitely one to remember. I hope Tony plans days like this more often for me....hint, hint.

My Wonderful Day Alone

My birthday present from Tony started at about 7:30 when I shut the door to the house and got into my car. I didn't even see the kids before I left (if I had it would have just involved lots of screaming when they found out I was leaving so it was better this way). I was at Massage Envy by 7:40 for a one-hour massage. I had won this gift card at a silent auction for CMOM's earlier this year. I had been asked when I made the reservation if I preferred a male or female and truth be told I didn't care for either touching me but I wanted the massage so I said female. However, when I showed up I was sure which one I got (I'll keep my feelings about this to myself but she was female but not so sure about her sexual preference to say it calmly). If felt good but it wasn't a good, deep massage. It could have been better.

I got out of the massage at 9 and not much is open then but I was right beside Target so why not hit the big red Target by myself during the day with no strollers. I ran into someone from church and probably chatted with her 45 minutes - uninterrupted adult conversation - that never happens. I bought a few things, paid and ran across the street to a Nail Spa as the sign said. Never been there before so wasn't sure if they were good or what their prices were. I asked for a pedicure and a manicure. I have to admit the pedicure was MUCH better than the massage. She massaged up to my knees. My achy feet can always use some of this much need attention so I really enjoyed this part.

The ladies working there are all of Asian background and they spoke English but I'm a Southern girl and trying to understand someone that has learned English somewhere other than North Carolina (sometimes I can't even understand Northerner's that speak only English) I have the hardest time understanding them. The lady I had was really nice though. We talked about how many kids we have and ages and where she was from. They she started talking about me and my eyebrows. Let me just say me and my eyebrows are fine. I don't really care I have big eyebrows. I had them waxed once before and it hurt so bad I never wanted to do it again. Well, this lady kept on and on "You want to wax eyebrow". I finally gave in. It hurt but not as bad as I remembered it from last time. Then again I've gone through a few pregnancies and childbirth and nothing compares to that pain. Unfortunately I left there with the reddest face ever. I did not take any make-up with me to cover it up. It was pretty darn obvious I had had this done. It was horrible. I wasn't going home though so I had to just let it go and not think about what I looked like. Today was my day, who cares.

I stopped off at a couple of stores and then hit the mail. I ate by myself in the food court beside the carousel. That was weird sitting there with no kids. I didn't spend much time there b/c I had some shopping to do. I didn't have much luck with clothes though but I did find the Bass outlet 70% off sales and got some really comfortable sandals. My time was running out so I hit a few more stores, trying on clothes that looked horrible on me but I did manage to get a shirt and some capri's to wear on my date last night.

I had to get out of the mall by 2:30 so I could make it to my hair appt. I stopped and got me a strawberry/banana smoothie on the way - DELICIOUS!!! The lady I usually get to cut my hair was busy so I used her partner. She was nice and did a great job. I had them wash it also b/c I had all the goop from the massage in my hair.

After this I went by Bloom and bought my own birthday cake. I got the smallest little Carvel ice cream cake they had. When I walked in the door at home I loudly asked my darling little kids "Who wants Birthday Cake?" and they all came running. They were in their seats at the table before I sat it down on the counter. Andrew is definitely my son - he had three servings. He and I LOVE our Chocolate. The kids also gave me their presents. Nate, Andrew and Madelyn each gave me sunglasses - 2 each - yes 6 pair. Tony says I go through the most sunglasses, and I admit I do b/c I break them, leave them somewhere, leave them in the kids reach and they break them or they just go mysteriously missing. Now I have 6 back-ups when I can't find my current ones. Logan gave me a tripod for my camera that bends. It can wrap around about anything while still holding the camera. Very cool!

There was not enough time in the day to do everything I wanted to do. I can't believe how fast that alone time went. Even though I started before most people were headed to work, I felt like that time went by in the snap of my fingers.

The evening continued but this time with Tony (we got a Date night) and I will finish it later.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Pre-Birthday Gift

Tony has yet again surprised me with his hidden talent of poetry writing.

If Only She Knew

Her beauty she will refuse to concede,
because it's not captured by lens.
She'll never know that her wish is my need.
On her love, my heart depends.

Balanced together in weakness and strength,
evenly paired, not the same.
We started a love, no end to it lenght,
the day that she first took my name.

I lie down beside her, holding her hand.
She sees not the beauty I see.
Two fingers, each wrapped in a golden band
Symbols of what she means to me.

My heart could never long for another.
There's no closer friend, no truer lover.

Playroom should have toys scattered around, not poop

Earlier I left the playroom and hadn't been gone but a couple minutes when I heard Logan yell down "Madelyn's got poop all over the ploor (his f's sound like p's)." Tony and I shot like a bullet up the stairs and he grabbed Madelyn while I scurried the boys out of the playroom. It was scattered all over the carpet, on toys, on the couch, on the Build-A-Bear Elephant and on the brand new Wii Fit we just got today. Poop was even on two sippy cups and Nate's shirt...GROSS!!!! I was reminded of the recent post from the Salsa Twins how quickly a playroom can be destroyed. I had earlier that day did a big sweep over the playroom cleaning up all the toys, packing some away in the closet so there was less to fling across the room and vacuumed. It looked good in there. I did later bring out the tub of kitchen toys and those made it's way around the room, under furniture, and you get the idea. When I told Tony I had spent a lot of time cleaning up that room today he said "that's whatcha get", in other words, "why bother cleaning it up."

Speaking of the Wii Fit, I haven't had much time on it yet but it's pretty cool. Our carpet is wet upstairs (Wii is in the playroom) now from cleaning up poop but I hope to get back on it tomorrow. Even Logan is enjoying exercising on it. At the beginning at setup after entering weight, height, age and it eventually gives you an estimated fitness age. Mine was 35, only two years off. Logan estimated to a 26 year old.

Mushroom's Part III

So this is the last time I'm taking pics. I've learned a wonderful science lesson today. I had no idea mushrooms grew and changed so fast in a days time. Logan is dying to go knock them down. He asked Tony how to do it who replied with "use a chainsaw". I think that's a bit more than needed, but that's a typical Tony smart*** answer. A foot with a shoe on should work just fine. I'm not only learning more abuot my camera now but also more about environmental science. Off to destroy the mushrooms now.
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Mushroom cont....

The things we do for entertainment around mushrooms grow. Yes, I have fungus growing in my yard. Logan and I have been watching them all day out the window. This morning the tops were shaped almost like golf balls and now this afternoon they are much bigger and the top actually looks like an umbrella now. I can't believe I've gotten down on the grass with my face to the ground shooting pics of these nasty things. Oh no, I think I'm turning into a photographer...still an amateur though. I even found websites indicating I'm not the only crazy person taking pics of mushrooms. I even found one website that told how to photograph mushrooms with a SLR camera.
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The SMURF's have moved into our backyard

I looked out my backdoor this morning and saw that the Smurf's have moved in. We have these cute little mushrooms growing in our overgrown, grassy yard. I'm still learning how to use all the features of my Nikon D60 so I took this as an opportunity to go shoot some pics of this interesting creation growing up. Unfortunately I can't pick up the Smurf's. They must be really tiny...LOL!

Sad...when I mention Smurf's, Logan doesn't have a clue what I'm talking about. We also don't subscribe to the channel on the satellite that re-runs of Smurf's airs on for him to watch the cartoons.
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Wednesday, July 09, 2008

A Day Off

Tony informed me last night that he has taken off work Friday for my birthday to give me a day off. I'm FREE!!!!! I can do whatever I want!!! No one tagging along, no one screaming and fighting, no one clinging to me or running away. I'm FREE!!!!

So now what? What do I do? Where do I go? I don't know how to have days like this. No time limit. I can go right after I wake up or I can stay in bed all day (not really, not in our house). I can drive off. I can stay local. I just don't know what to do yet. I have today and tomorrow to come up with something.

Suggestions? Ideas?

Monday, July 07, 2008

From the "Blatantly Obvious" Department...

MSNBC: Parents of twins more prone to mental issues

Future studies are predicted to reveal that parents of twins are more likely to have more foot injuries from stepping on plastic toys, twice the number of insurance co-pays to the pediatrician and a large number of double strollers.

More beautiful children....

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