Thursday, July 10, 2008

Playroom should have toys scattered around, not poop

Earlier I left the playroom and hadn't been gone but a couple minutes when I heard Logan yell down "Madelyn's got poop all over the ploor (his f's sound like p's)." Tony and I shot like a bullet up the stairs and he grabbed Madelyn while I scurried the boys out of the playroom. It was scattered all over the carpet, on toys, on the couch, on the Build-A-Bear Elephant and on the brand new Wii Fit we just got today. Poop was even on two sippy cups and Nate's shirt...GROSS!!!! I was reminded of the recent post from the Salsa Twins how quickly a playroom can be destroyed. I had earlier that day did a big sweep over the playroom cleaning up all the toys, packing some away in the closet so there was less to fling across the room and vacuumed. It looked good in there. I did later bring out the tub of kitchen toys and those made it's way around the room, under furniture, and you get the idea. When I told Tony I had spent a lot of time cleaning up that room today he said "that's whatcha get", in other words, "why bother cleaning it up."

Speaking of the Wii Fit, I haven't had much time on it yet but it's pretty cool. Our carpet is wet upstairs (Wii is in the playroom) now from cleaning up poop but I hope to get back on it tomorrow. Even Logan is enjoying exercising on it. At the beginning at setup after entering weight, height, age and it eventually gives you an estimated fitness age. Mine was 35, only two years off. Logan estimated to a 26 year old.


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