Yucky Ears
I think we know why Madelyn acted out yesterday. Her right ear is draining yucky stuff again. It's really gross. Her ear infection is back or something else is wrong. Luckily we have drops leftover from the last prescription so we started that again and she sees the doctor Tuesday. We'll never know how long she's had problems with her ears. I only know the past almost five weeks she's been miserable with her runny nose and her ears. I'm planning on asking Tuesday at what point do we see an ENT for her ear infections. I've had problems with many ear infections in the past but never had them draining like hers does. It's got to be painful and she's dealing with it pretty good. Today she's been fairly happy most of the day. I'm even able to type this while she's awake and not crying for me to pick her up. Logan is entertaining her and the twins. (He got rewarded today for being a good big brother and got to go see a movie.)
I'd post of photo of her ears but someone might get sick looking at the yucky junk coming out. I couldn't watch Tony clean it out. It's that disgusting.