Monday, November 27, 2006

Questions to ask at time of referral

Today's date (of course we'll know this - well, maybe)
Time of Call
Name of person calling
Baby's full Chinese name
Translation of baby's name
Full name of baby's orphanage:City:Province
How old is the baby?
Date of birth
Measurements & when they were taken
Who will translate the referral & medical information?
When do I have to return my referral acceptance (important if you want to have a doctor review your medical information)
Any information regarding abandonment (note left, date found, etc.)
Foster care? How long? With whom?
Have you had referrals from this province before? From this orphanage?
What items can this orphanage use the most?
Travel group #
Other families in group referred from same orphanage
Names of other families in our travel group
May I have the other group members email addresses or phone numbers?
How can we get a care package to the baby's orphanage?


At 3:32 PM, Blogger OziMum said...

Great list! Mind if I pinch it?! We only get a call to say, that referrals are in, and have to make an appointment, to go see/get it! Then we HAVE to have at least 24 hours, before we can accept.


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