Thursday, October 05, 2006

My Sweet Baby (one of them anyway)

Nathaniel will be having surgery next week. Since his 4 month check-up, we've noticed something strange under his tongue. One doc said cyst, another something else (can't remember the name of it), then blocked saliva duct but today the ENT confirmed it's a cyst that is covering a saliva duct. It needs to be removed b/c it could eventually cause other problems such as impairing his speech especially if it grows. He will undergo anesthesia but it will be outpatient surgery and should only last 30-45 minutes. I hope they schedule his surgery first thing b/c this boy is hungry in the mornings. Making him wait for food is not going to be fun. Today he weighed in at 21lbs 8ozs. He's a BIG boy to be only 7 months old. Posted by Picasa


At 5:53 AM, Blogger OziMum said...

HOpe the surgery went well. It's so hard to see them go in for Surgery, hey? My little fella had surgery when he was 18 months old. They are so resilliant and recover quickly though!

At 9:20 AM, Blogger Lisa~~ said...

Good luck Nathaniel hope your surgery goes well and is easy.


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