Boys Will Be Boys

Logan was upstairs with a neighbor across the street. The little boy is only three years old. His big sister (about 10 I think) was downstairs with me and the twins helping me get them to sleep. After I got the babies down, I grabbed some laundry that I had folded and carried it upstairs. I looked in the playroom and immediately saw this. I was furious. Neither boy would admit to it and they also blamed each other. Later Logan admitted he did this with his little green ball.

I think it was an accident even though then I was about to blow a fuse that he had done this and didn't tell me. What he did get in trouble for was lying to us about who did it. It's going to cost $45.73 to replace so his punishment is for him to help pay for it. He gave up $8.00 from his piggy bank to go towards the replacement window. The ball will never be seen again. Balls like this will not be entering my house again.
Holy cow! A rubber ball did that!?!?!
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