I didn't have any baby showers for Nate and Andrew but I did find out my church we just moved away from held a "Traveling Baby Shower" for us. A collection was taken up in several boxes of gifts to give to Nate and Andrew. We got lots of diapers, wipes, clothes, washcloths, blankets, etc. There were even some things for Madelyn including some pink blankets and a stuffed bear. I visited some of my friends this weekend and was given all these gifts to unwrap. It was probably the best baby shower I ever had b/c I got more useful things (ex. diapers, wipes) than things I don't really need (ex. diaper pins). The picture attached is a diaper cake. I had never seen one of these before. Underneath all the blankets are diapers banded together. Lots of goodies were stuck in the cake. Isn't this cute? I'll have to remember this if I ever throw a baby shower.
I have the best friends in the world. I never expected a baby shower with the twins since I saved everything of Logan's. However, I have been so thankful for all these gifts especially diapers and wipes. So far we haven't bought any except the two packs before they were born. Besides diapers, the best baby gift anyone could ever get (at least this is my opinion) is batteries and for some reason I never get those. We go through batteries everyday in either bouncy chairs, swings, or toys. Batteries are what I am going to start giving others at baby showers. Moms and Dads will be thankful for this gift and not having to run out after midnight to Wal-mart to get them while their baby is screaming and needing that swing to calm them down or that crib musical toy that plays soft lullabies for them to listen too.
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