Sunday, October 09, 2005

Sunday Update

After visiting a new church today, we stopped by our new house site. The road in front of our house is not paved yet so Tony got out and walked down it in the mud. He said the brick foundation is up. YIPPEE!!! At least that's a start. This week I'll take my camera if it's not raining and try to get some shots. Hopefully we'll see walls soon. This apartment is not for us. One week has been about all I want here but unfortunately we've got a few more months.

The rest of today has been lazy day. How often will we get these again come Spring? Never!!! Logan doesn't let us do this that often either and I'm sure with more kids, this will be non-existent. We've been able to be couch potato's and watch movies on this dreary Sunday.

I still can't decide what to send my secret pals. I really need to do some searching. Maybe tomorrow I can get some time out by myself since Tony is home (Banks don't work on Columbus Day) and go out and shop for them.


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