Too Many Strollers?
Tony thinks we have too many strollers. What do you think?

There's a story for each of these...(from left to right)
The first stroller was a travel system when we had Logan. It has a matching infant car seat which we are using with one of the twins. We are almost done with these carseats so this stroller will probably be sold soon.
The next seat (Nate is modeling this one in the photo) was given to me from a friend. I plan on returning it back to her since I bought the one beside it last night.
Number three - Love this one. I bought it from a Moms of Multiples consignment sale last night. It will also hold the infant carriers until we do away with them but also has seats for them to sit in. There are drink holders and a large basket underneath.
Next is the Snap-n-Go. I'm sad to see this one go. It's an awesome stroller but can only be used with infant carriers and since the twins have about outgrown these, time to say good-bye.
The side-by-side stroller is nice to use when taking the twins out when I know I have to feed them baby food. Much easier to feed them side-by-side. However, it does not fit through doorways easily. I'm still keeping it.
Triple stroller - need I say more? Madelyn, Nate and Andrew (Logan can walk)
And last is the umbrella single stroller. It was one of Logan's. I'm going to keep it too. It's great if I'm only going out with one kid at a time....(like that ever happens).
From a fellow stroller addict, I know what you are going through!!!
Funny!!!!! I heard from another twin mom that she has gone through 8 strollers too. Hilarious (well at least it's funny to me now, wait to Rod can't park the car in the garage because it's full of strollers, then we'll see if I'm still laughing...)
I thought this photo was outside a store!!! Some women have a thing for shoes... you've got one for strollers!!!
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