Look Alikes
This evening Nate wanted to stay awake during Logan's bedtime routine so I carried him upstairs to tell Logan goodnight. I sat him down in the recliner we bought while pregnant with Logan for a few seconds so I could have some empty hands and as soon as I did, I immediately saw the resemblance between Logan and Nate. I kinda thought it all along but when I saw Nate sitting there, it brought back memories of Logan sitting in that recliner. Here's photos of the two of them.

This is Nate. He has more hair than Logan did.

This is Logan. I don't know what age Logan was in this photo but at least under 6 weeks of age. Nate is 9 days old in the photo above.
As for Andrew, I still don't know who he looks like.
That is amazing. I wouldn't be able to tellt hem apart! Congratulations on the new babies and to big brother!!
My youngest and my second oldest looked very much alike at about a year old. Now, they look nothing alike! Your boys are all so cute! Congratulations!
Was Logan getting ready to do a little blogging in that picture? *grin*
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