Thursday, September 25, 2008

It's Time to Cut Hair Back Off

Now do ya'll believe me? Madelyn's snotty hair has now broken a comb.

Madelyn has beautiful, silky black hair when it's not full of snot. Unfortunately, it's always covered in dried snot thanks to her allergies. I have to keep it pulled back all the time to keep it out of her runny nose but she's a rough little girl on her cute hair-do's, and bows and rubber bands just don't stay up. Today I broke one of her two wooden combs that came from China trying to comb out snot tangles. I've tried hair detangler and it doesn't work on the big wads at all.

I've told many friends and family that I am going to have it cut off again short. Everytime I say this I hear "but it's so beautiful" or "Awe, but she looks so cute with her long hair." If she was old enough to take care of it herself, I wouldn't do it if she wanted to keep long hair. It IS beautiful but it's a nuisance, and she'll still be cute with short hair.

She also has the problem of her hair growing forwards from the back of her hair. Two different stylist have said we could "train" it to lay back like most human hair on it's own eventually. That hasn't happened yet. She has bangs cut but the top that grows forward that isn't part of her bangs stays in her eyes.

I don't know when I'm going to do it but I'll post photos of her new haircut soon.
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At 11:00 AM, Blogger Kricket said...

sometimes ya gotta do what ya gotta do. We have to do that with Tasha - keep her hair short due to horrid knots. She's such a rough sleeper than in the morning it will take us 20 minutes to comb out her hair. So it's short. Madelyn is beautiful whether her hair is long or short. And right now she's too young to really care about hair styles, ya know? Wait until she's about 9 or 10, and then you'll have to deal with hearing "I hate my hair!"


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