Friday, August 01, 2008

A new one on me....

Today I took Logan to the pool, just the two of us, while the others slept during naptime. Don't panic! I didn't leave them alone. Tony was working from home. A neighbor I don't know but I know where she lives and how many kids she has asked me "so you had one more after the adoption and the twins?" I had to ask her again "what?" as in "huh?" I just didn't understand her. She kept on assuming I had five kids - Logan, twins plus our adopted daughter, plus another. I wasn't sure where she was getting this "other". She said "oh, I must be thinking of someone else - the blonde one that was crying last time."

Turns out she thought Andrew was younger than Nate and Madelyn. She assumed Nate had a twin that wasn't Andrew. I had to explain to her Andrew and Nate don't even look like brothers or relatives, let alone twins. She thought Andrew was younger than the other three.

I can't imagine having another child now along with three two-year olds and a six year old. She thought I had those four plus another baby/toddler. Oh my! I would surely be locked in the looney-bin if there was another one in diapers plus the three already in diapers.


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