No Sleep
Logan is not on China time. This is not working out for me right now. He's bouncing off walls at 3 am time here and has been for an hour. I might could sleep and get back on their schedule but this four year old is not going to even try. At least Tony is sleeping and might be functional after Madelyn is here.
Count down until we see all the babies .... 10 more hours
We prayed for ALL of you today in Sunday School and in service. Please know that we are showering you in prayer! Keep us updated so that we can pray more specific.... Logan, we know that you are so excited to see that baby sister of yours... but your Momma needs some sleep. :-) As we are feeding Daniel at 12:30 AM tonight we will be thinking and praying for you as you meet Miss Madelyn at just about the same time.
Tim, Stacey, Seth, & Daniel Weldon
Tony, Melissa, Logan, Madelyn,
I know you are excited, we all are. Just wanted to say we are thinking about you, & that trip home, after reading your blog!!I am looking at Google Earth 3 D to see where you are & the hotel there in 3D. Your mom is getting it to look at too.
We love you, Great aunt Barbara & Glenn. (Barbara Watts)
I am very, very excited for you! My sister lives in China right now so I'm just soaking up every word and every picture. Sending you best wishes with your gotcha moment we are very excited for you.
Sharon in TX
Hang in there! Once you get tht baby, you'll be on oure adrenalin.
Wow are so close !!!
Andrea in Canada
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