This post is related to China and it gives me an excuse to post a picture of a 40 foot tall Optimus Prime Statue.
Anyone who knows me well, knows that I'm a geek. This isn't a recent ocurrence, I've been a geek as far back as I can remember. Growing up, one of my favorite cartoons was Transformers. (The original one, not all the lousy spinoffs that have come out lately)
At the blog Karate Party, they have posted a picture of a 40 foot tall Optimus Prime statue they came across in the Yunnan Province of China.

I've got to admit, it would be really neat if we were to adopt from that province and we got a chance to see this statue. Of course, the odds of that are really really slim.
Even armed with this information, I doubt Melissa is going to let me buy the Transformers Box set as a way of letting us learn more about Madelyn's Chinese heritage.
But they were extremely popular in China in the late 80s early 90s....
That counts, right?
It's a little unnerving that I recognized the name Optimus Prime and an image of him/it immediately flashed in my brain--long before I looked at the picture. Geez... or maybe I should say Geek.
Hmmm... I've never heard of anyone requesting a specific province for THAT reason. Wonder what the CCAA would think?
Heh! That is too funny- love your rationalization for purchasing transformers!
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