Saturday, May 28, 2005

Financial Statement / Video on China's Lost Girls

We sent our financial statement for review to our DC this morning. We had to list our income, life insurance amounts, all assets and liabilities and then give our net worth.

Yesterday I watched the video loaned to us about China's Lost Girls by National Geographic. Tony watched it last night after he got home. It described how these girls are being abandoned and put up for adoption b/c of the one child policy and how the families prefer boys over girls. This is becoming a problem b/c now boys are overpopulating and eventually there will be no girls to marry. Some women are already being kidnapped and sold as wives. Husbands have threatened their wives that if they didn't give them a boy then they would send them away. One lady interviewed did have a boy and then a girl second and she had to pay a large fine to keep her daughter.

The happiest, tear-jerker part of the movie was showing a travel group on Gotcha Day. All these families were being introduced to their new daughters at the same time. Everyone was crying happy tears, even me from just watching the video. I can't wait for this day to come for us.


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