Will this work?
I have no idea. I'm trying it out right now as I type. They are giggling and moving around from what I can hear in the monitor.
I've had the two car beds for a while. I bought them from another mom with twin boys who had outgrown them, and then today I bought the pink Princess bed from another twin mom (she sold the other one to another singleton). The Princess beds had only been used a couple times because she said her girls slept with them (NO WAY I COULD DO THAT ALL THE TME). One bed was already in the room but I hauled the other two upstairs while they were eating lunch. I pushed the three beds together because I was afraid a gap between would cause more injuries with jumping than with them pushed together. They are going to jump because they are two year olds. Everything was taken out of the boys room to do this except their cribs which are up against the other wall. I had two extra mattresses so I only had to pull Andrew's mattress from the crib. I put a child lock on the closet door. Blinds are rolled up with the turning stick removed. I'm not sure if they'll nap because it's all new right now plus there is lots of sunlight coming in. I knew if I left the blinds down they would be destroyed leaving them alone in there. We have to keep our blinds downstairs up all the time because of these destroyers.
Before I left the room, Andrew crawled over to Madelyn's bed and she got mad. She patted Andrew's bed and looked at him with mean eyes and said "DREW, DREW bed" as if saying "GET OFF MY NEW BED".
Better go up and calm down the noise. I can hear them playing with the door stop now - the springy one.
I just put Caleb (just turned 2) into his toddler bed in the same room as his brother. It isn't fun, but what I have to do is sit in the rocking chair reading until he falls asleep. Jacob (3.5) is good and won't get up (much), but Caleb has to be asleep or he will be up and at it as soon as I leave the room. I do this for naps and bedtime and it's working pretty well!
a)Good luck, hun. I remember how hard it was to get Tasha in a toddler bed - one child, one bed, days and nights of screaming.
b) awwwwwww.... she still uses the blanket I made her? How precious!
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