Thursday, May 24, 2007

Snot Queen


Is this snot ever going to disappear? Yesterday was three months post-gotcha and still no sign of this going away. She's had this as long as we've been her family. She's on her third allergy medicine and still no sign of relief.
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At 5:01 PM, Blogger Kim said...

She is so pretty.. I am sure you are glad she is feeding herself.. Good luck on the snotty nose.

At 9:47 AM, Blogger Kricket said...

ewwww... gross... like you that is one thing I just can't handle without gagging. Ugh.

At 10:47 AM, Blogger RamblingMother said...

Glenys was the same way. I took her to an allergist to find out it isn't allergies and her immune system was where it should be. I have a 12 hour suspension benedryl type Rx for her. Seems to work wonders. I don't remember the name but will e-mail to you when I run home at lunch if you are interested. Glenys has been home almost 2 years now and she is still the first one in the pre-school to catch whatever snot infection happens to be around.
Precious pic even with the snot.

At 12:04 PM, Blogger RamblingMother said...

Melissa, when I go home at lunch today, I will get the name of it. I might have it in the car I will check. She came home Aug. 05 and after dealing with the snot I took her to the allergist in January 30 '06. I remember because we celebrated jan. 29 Chinese NY and she had been off everything for 3 days prior to the visit. The pics of her during that 3 days were awful!!!

Our reg ped had her on something like claritin but starts with an s. I can't remember. This allergist just said it is daycare germs. here is my e-mail:


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