How do you stop a biter?
Madelyn is biting us, her brothers and our friends now. Today she chomped down hard on my arm. After one of the naps, we found teeth marks on Andrew's upper arm close to his shoulder on the outside. We're pretty sure he didn't do that to himself. A friend of ours was visiting also today and Madelyn bit her on the shoulder. She also got me on my shoulder and leg today and tried to bite Tony a few times too. What stops a biter?
If you figure it out let me know. We have tried everything. It's still an issue 10 months later. We were told that Mia may have been taught to bite / learned orphanage behavior. She does not bite Dave or I just other kids. Unfortunately our Keaton gets the most of it...
I found that a very loud OUCH!! and an angry look and an immediate time-out works. It takes a lot of consistency - but hang in there!
Destiny and Tashie were HORRID biters. What I did was every time they bit one of us, we would "flick" them with a finger on the corner of their mouth and say sternly "NO BITE". It took two or three days and after that the biting stopped.
Ooo sounds nasty! I don't know, Harry only bit a kid once, only coz he wouldn't get out of his face! I have heard, if you bite their finger, straight after they've bitten? I don't know. Does, you giving them a bite, reinforce biting?
A child in Glenys' daycare bit her regularly for 2 weeks leaving marks and all. The daycare stepped in and told the mother to do something. She took him to the doc and they said it was ear infections. They put tubes in his ears and that seemed to take care of it. At least he doesn't bite her anymore. The weird thing was that Glenys never played with him but when he had an urge to bite the daycare worker said he would drop what he was doing and make a bee line to her before she could intercept he would have bitten her. Apparently she intercepted him more times than she didn't, thankfully.
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