Monday, May 01, 2006

Madelyn's Room

A friend of mine came over today, and while our kids played and the babies slept we worked in Madelyn's room. I still have lots I want to do in her room but at least we have a start on it and it finally looks more like a little girls room.

This twin bed was bought a few years ago and I decided to keep it in Madelyn's room for her to use later or for guests to use. I still need to fasten the headboard to the bed and buy some pillows for it. A few of her books are laying beside the bed waiting to be read to her at night.

This is the top of the chest of drawers. We displayed some of the things I've received from secret pal exchanges along with some dolls and books I've bought. The drawers are still empty but they will be filled soon. I've received lots of girl clothes from four moms of daughters so Madelyn should be all set with clothes for a while. I still have to sort through them all.

Here's her crib. This was Logan's crib when he was a baby. I bought this crib bedding when we were living in the apartment. The bear in the crib was given to her from a dear friend of mine. I left the tag on it showing who it was from for her to read it one day.

A friend of a friend found these valances on clearance at Wal-Mart and thought of me. They have little ladybugs on them. The ladybugs on the wall were wandering the walls of one of Logan's friend's room and made their way to Madelyn's room.

Now all the room is missing is Madelyn.


At 9:42 PM, Blogger High Power Rocketry said...

: )


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