Wednesday, January 11, 2006

tagged again....

Five Weird Things About Me....

So, I was tagged by Kricket, but I can't think of anything weird about myself. Am I weird? Well, I think I am but probably no more weirder than most people. I'll have to ask for some help too. Let's see if I can come up with a list...

1. I get annoyed to find clothes hangers left with nothing hanging on them in the middle of other clothes. I like for them to be placed at the end with the rest of the empty hangers so when I need several at one time when doing the laundry, I can grab them and not have to search for any throughout the closet.

2. Since 2001, I've been in the hospital for surgeries or having babies every year and this year is no different.
2001 - D&C from a m/c
2002 - Delivered Logan
2003 - Surgery for Right carpal tunnel, then left, and then gallbladder removed
2004 - Ovarian Drilling surgery
2005 - D&C after loosing our daughter
2006 - Sometime in the next month or two, delivering twins
Hopefully 2007 and the years to come, I can avoid all hospitals.

3. How many people have three kids in one year? Yes, I'm only carrying two now but if you count Madelyn arriving later this year, that makes three.

4. I grew up with 7 brothers and sisters but I am still an only child....2 stepbrothers, 1 half-brother, 2 stepsisters, and 2 full-blooded brother or sister. I usually just say "brother" or "sister" when referring to them though, but at times like when we went for genetic counseling, I had to explain this to a complete stranger. It can tend to confuse others.

5. I always have trouble with one thing on a list. If it was "list 2 things" I can only think up one. Same thing with more than 5, I'm usually less one on the list. So, I'll leave this one for my comments I might receive and see if my friends/fellow bloggers can tell me what they think is weird about ME.

Now, I tag


At 12:13 PM, Blogger M3 said...

Ha, the hanger thing cracks me up. I too have an "acceptable" place in the closet where I like the empty hangers to be moved. I have managed to keep this to myself though so my husband is unaware of it. ;-)

I'm honored to be tagged!!! I am a huge procrastinator so it's going to take me a while to do it, I just know it. Maybe that could be one of my weird things? Naw, it's not even weird, is it? Heh.


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