Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Me and the Twins

I've seen two doctors this week already...my Perinatologist and my OB. All three of us are doing great except that I failed the glucose screening so I have to go for another next week. The boys are estimated at 1lb 9oz each still measuring over a week and a half ahead. Logan felt the babies kick for the first time last night. They've been kicking for a while but he was never patient enough to wait but now they kick all the time. Hard to believe that they'll be making their appearance before long. We're guessing end of February or early March.

I heard the same comments again at McDonald's today about having my hands full and "I'm glad I'm not you" when asked when my babies were due. I like to throw in we're adopting too and that always raises the eyebrows. It's obvious I'm pregnant but not obvious I'm waiting on a daughter so of course I'm going to brag about our adoption also.


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