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From HFS
I have some small clarification about the changes that we might expect to see from CCAAin the near future.
First of all, please be aware that the expected slowdown will not happen overnight. It willbe something that is done gradually. There will probably be a limiting of the LID groupsgetting referrals (if, for instance, CCAA is now referring 5 weeks of LIDs per referral group,perhaps for the next two months, CCAA will refer children for 4 weeks worth of LIDs, andafter a couple of months, it may go down to 3 weeks, etc.).
Right now, CCAA is thinking that the maximum time from LID to referral will be around 12months. Your I-171s are good for 18 months. If you get your dossier submitted as soonas possible after receiving you I-171, it should still be good when you receive yourreferral. Your fingerprints (only good for 15 months) might need to be retaken however.Both your I-171 and your fingerprints MUST be current at the time of your consulateappointment. So, if you receive your referral in June and your fingerprints or I-171 expirein July, you will probably need to apply again as that is cutting it too close to account forthe consulate appointment.
I have heard nothing about China imposing a weight limit on families. (If this is implemented, Tony and I are out. We don't qualify for Korea b/c of our BMI. You gotta be skinny to get a child from them). I know that Koreahas this stipulation, but doubt that China will do this.
From recent news I have heard, age limits will be stricter (perhaps requiring both parentsto be under 55, perhaps continuing the current policy of only one must be under 55 butmaking stricter assignments of children based on the parents' ages. We will know for sureonce CCAA makes this decision.
I also expect that singles will be effected, with no single men being allowed to adopt anymore, and perhaps stricter guidelines for single women. We will know for sure onceCCAA makes this decision.
CCAA may also screen families more carefully, looking for health or criminal activity
The good news is that CCAA will continue to allow the adoption of their beautiful andamazing children by American families wanting to parent them. And what better newscould there be?
I hope they wait to implement any more changes besides the weight until after we've brought home our child.
Aack. Depressing...I keep on thinking about possibly going to other countries (since we've barely started), but nothing else appeals to me, really. I guess just grin and bear it!
BTW, according to The China Adoption Handbook (which has sections about Korea), there are two out of four welfare institutes/orphanages in Korea that do not have the weight requirement. It must be possible to adopt from Korea without being rail thin, as I know someone who is adopting from Korea who would not qualify (and I wouldn't either!).
I think Vietnam, which is now re-opening, also has the weight restriction. Darn.
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