Big to Little
I'm by no means bashing apartment living, but I'm really dreading these next 6 months. It would be the same if we were moving into a smaller house. We're going from living in 2000 sq ft to 1260 sq ft. I've been trying to think of the positive side to moving out of a house temporarily into an apartment. Here's what I come up with....
1. Less money spent on utilities
2. Less space to clean
3. It has a pool, playground, fitness center, and a few other amenities we don't currently have.
4. Within a mile from Tony's work so less gas
5. Very convenient to grocery stores, pharmacies, shopping (Tony probably sees this as a downside unlike me)
This is all I can think of. Please comment if you can think of any more positives. I know we are blessed to have a home unlike may people right now due to the Hurricane so I am thankful for that. And I am thankful we are able to have another home ready for us in March. It is a nice apartment, nicer than any other apartments we've rented but I still dread it. Logan will be moving away from his friends and he has more than we do but on the bright side he can make friends farely easy. I just have to take him to a McDonald's and he starts telling others his age his name and starts following them around. There are so many other things I'm going to miss as well.
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