Pregnancy and Infant Loss

Our Precious Daughter Reagan - Made Perfect in Heaven

This post really doesn't have anything to do with our adoption story but I wanted to add this in for our viewers that may have also decided that adoption was the way to go after battling infertility and losses. I added two links to our blog on the right side for Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness and the March of Dimes website. I received an email today from March of Dimes detailing how much money they raised this year during their WalkAmerica walk-a-thon - $101 million. I thought this was amazing. The weekend after we lost Reagan Tony and I walked over 6 miles and raised over $500 between the two of us. We raised this much in 7 days. We did this in honor of our daughter that died from Triploidy. There are lots of babies that die each year due to birth defects. We plan on walking every year in honor of our daughter and the twins we lost to m/c.
Before I became pregnant with Reagan, we had already discussed adopting from China. We had been to two local adoption agencies and decided domestic adoption wasn't for us. I think Tony is planning on writing later why we decided on China instead of any of the other countries we could chose from. We were ready to send off our application the week we found out I was pregnant with Reagan. We miss her so much and I know she knows this. I hope she's watching over our new addition in China who is waiting to come live with us and to have a family that will love her.
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