Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Why is Madelyn so stubborn?

Early this morning around 4am I think it was Madelyn started in on her screaming. I've learned if I go in there, try the hold and cuddle, lay back down that the screaming never ends. We let her be for a while and she eventually quits. This morning was no different. However, when I was getting up all the kids this morning she looked extra tired like she never did go back to sleep. She was also stripped down to a diaper. Every morning I take sippy's to the cribs when I get them out. I ask them to say "Milk Please" if they don't say it before I go in. Andrew never says it but the other two always do. Madelyn refused this morning. Not only did she refuse, she gave me evil eyes. I also had waffles already this morning when I went in there and she almost always says "WAFFLES" really loud but this morning, NOTHING. I think she didn't sleep after her screaming episode. I tried my best to get her to say her words. I did all the things I've seen her therapist's doing. Nothing. I can't get a single word from this girl. BUT she can scream if I leave the room. What's up with this? I changed her clothes and diaper and I have put her back in the crib to see if she would go back to sleep and get more rest. There's no crying. I don't want her off schedule but I don't want her being a stubborn, mean little girl either all day. Why is she not sleeping through the night?

Last night at a Mother's of Multiples meeting one of the new moms mentioned she took one of her twins to an allergist. He's four months old and discovered he had all kinds of allergies. I got the name of this doctor. I don't think I'm going to take the advice of the pediatrician or ENT and wait until Madelyn is three to be tested. We need to know now. Maybe this is part of why she isn't sleeping b/c she's so congested and has so much drainage out of her nose. We need medicines or we need to know if there's something we should avoid.

Parenting is not easy. Parenting multiples is REALLY not easy.


At 1:07 PM, Blogger Kendra said...

Liv was a horrible, HORRIBLE sleeper! For YEARS she woke us up during the night almost every night. We finally realized it was because she got SO stuffy at night. Not being able to breathe woke her up, and of course, she then woke US up. And she too would be stubborn and often just completely bouncing off the walls during the day. Last summer (age 4), the doctor put her on Singulair saying that she was very "allergic", but he didn't recommend testing. After much success with Singulair, it suddenly seemed to stop working. We took her to an allergist at this point and discovered that she was allergic to MANY environmental things (cats, dogs, dust mites, etc) that we could help control. We are working on these things right now and she seems to have found some relief again. I would not recommend waiting to have Madelyn tested for allergies. I saw children of all ages (even older infants) being tested when I took Liv. It was worth the time and effort. Very very worth it. Judging from the pictures and description you've given of Madelyn, she has some major nasal issues that could be interfering with her sleep (and yours!). Good luck. Email me if you want to talk about this more.

At 8:28 PM, Blogger cheepette8 said...

I hope you have luck with the allergist. Our Madeline has the same problem. She's on her second set of tubes, her adenoids were removed and she was on Omicef and other antibiotics 25 times last year. Her drainage is a thing we live with everyday. She is 4. Her allergist did the full panel (100 pricks) on her back and she wasn't allergic to anything. We took her off of dairy and she wasn't allergic to that either. She snores like a trucker when she sleeps. I feel your pain. Maddie doesn't sleep through the night either and I think it's because of her nasal problems, but the allergist and ped both said it would just be something she would live with or grow out of.
I hope your Madelyn grows out of being stubborn soon. I hope they can help you with her nasal problems.


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