My Troublemaker

When we were getting in my van today to head out, I was on one side buckling in Nate and noticed on the other side Andrew was chewing on something. Logan was standing in the middle of the van so I told him to reach in his mouth and pull it out. Logan did as I said (this is rare) and pulled it out. When I asked him what it was, Logan started gagging. He is definitely my son. Yucky stuff that looks bad or smells bad, he gags just like his mama. I bragged on Logan and started telling him things like to get his mind off of gagging. He started to cry b/c he thought he was going to vomit. I was just like this as a kid and am still that way. Poor baby!

poor little man! Sometimes baby are just down right grosse and stinky, eh?! Its ok Logan, you certainly wouldn't be the first to barf, after seein or smellin something similar!!!
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