Thursday, June 09, 2005

Response from Nathanson's about Fingerprinting Appt.

Hi Melissa;
Wow, that is a long time in the future for a fingerprint appt.

Here's the way the Charlotte office works.
It really doesnt matter when you get your fingerprint appt, because the adjudicator will open files based on the date the agency recieved your I-600A.

So... look at your BCIS paperwork, and see the cash register receipt attached to a letter that says they received your application. The date on the cash register receipt is the date they acknowledge receiving your app.

Then count forward 3 months, and thats approximately when you'll get your approval.
If your fingerprints are scheduled during that 3 month time, there's no benefit to getting them done sooner - your file will still sit.

I know its hard to wait, Melissa.


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