Wednesday, May 04, 2005


I know that some people who aren't familiar with overseas adoptions are probably wondering about some of the numbers Melissa threw around in previous posts.

The full total is generally in the neighborhood of 15,000.

15,000 Sounds like a lot, but compared to most other countries, its not that bad. For example, an adoption from Russia generally runs in the 30,000 range.

And the way we looked at it, Yes its a bit more expensive than what we would pay out of pocket for a normal pregnancy/birth. Its about the same as what someone would pay for a normal pregnancy/ birth + basic fertility treatments. And 15,000 is about what advanced fertility treatments can run each month, if you get to the invitro fertilization level.

And honestly, most people spend more than that on a car that you might keep 10 years. But parenthood? That is forever. And a lot more important.


At 11:07 PM, Blogger Shannon said...

I'm sure it will be worth every penny. We spend $5 on a smoothie at the drop of a hat. Well those add up! We're adopting from China too. It's nice to find other Carolinians in the same boat! =)


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